5 key things leading brands do—are you doing them?

As a solid player in the market, business is growing steadily. You’re no longer in survival mode, fighting to keep business afloat. Finally, you’ve entered a more organised and systematic phase. 

But you’re not one to let stability lead to stagnation. You’re asking bigger questions: What’s the next lever for growth? Which way toward market domination?

As competition intensifies and new players flood the field, it’s not enough to be good. You have to be known. It’s not just the brands that deliver high-quality products or services (like yours), it’s the ones that go beyond the transactional and build something deeper—something memorable—that scoop up the largest market share (like yours to be).

Here are five things the strongest brands do to stay ahead, and how you can lead yours from solid to stand out.

1. Distinctive branding: stand out or fade out

In today’s crowded marketplace, blending in is a death sentence. But it’s not about being different for the sake of it. It’s about creating a brand identity that sticks with people. Distinctive branding is what sets you apart and makes you memorable when customers are ready to make a choice.

Take Liquid Death. They turned something as basic as water into a rebellious, punk-rock lifestyle product—a niche no other water brand occupies. With horror-inspired packaging and the tagline “murder your thirst,” they’ve transformed a simple commodity into a cultural statement.

Similarly, Oatly’s minimalist design and sarcastic tone break the monotony of the plant-based market. They are a breath of fresh air among competitors. So when you think oat milk, you think Oatly.

2. Cohesive branding: a weapon for growth

According to the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, consistently amplifying distinctive brand assets (colours, logos, fonts, imagery, etc.) is essential for building brand salience and mental availability—so when it comes time to buy, you come to mind.

With the ever growing list of platforms and touchpoints, brand consistency is more important than ever. Yet many brands fall short. The greater the quality (distinctiveness) and quantity of your brand assets (how often they’re used), the more your brand will be noticed and remembered. If you’re not in your customer’s mental lineup, you’re not actually in the game. 

Consider Coca-Cola’s signature red and white palette and iconic logo, instantly recognisable across every channel—from billboards to vending machines. This isn’t by chance; it’s the result of years of amplifying their distinctive assets.

Similarly, Mastercard dropped its name from its logo in 2019, relying solely on its overlapping red and yellow circles. After decades of consistent use, the symbol alone triggers instant recognition. This is the power of brand consistency.

3. Creativity: be bold or be forgotten

Brands that dare to push boundaries are the ones that get noticed and remembered. Creativity captures attention—which is pertinent when consumers are inundated with thousands of messages in any given day.

A classic example is Burger King’s “Mouldy Whopper” campaign, where they let a burger rot on camera to highlight their move to preservative-free ingredients. Risky? Sure. Did it generate attention? A measly 2 billion impressions and a sales boost of 4%. Look, not all attention is good attention though and we’d love to know if the sales boost stayed through new customer acquisition or spiked because of their already loyal fan base. I guess we’ll never know…

Then there’s KFC, who turned a potential PR nightmare into a clever apology with their “FCK” campaign after a chicken shortage. These brands show that creativity can even turn mistakes into moments of brilliance.

Creativity doesn’t just belong to big-budget campaigns—it’s about finding fresh, memorable ways to connect with your audience. Even smaller brands can benefit from thinking outside the box, whether it’s through creative email campaigns, unique social media content, or compelling storytelling.

4. Tone of voice: personality matters

Your brand’s tone of voice is the personality behind your messaging. A well-defined tone helps foster connection and makes your communication feel authentic, not forced. In a digital age where consumers can interact with brands directly, tone of voice is more important than ever.

Tasmania Tourism is a great example. The tone of voice through its longstanding “Come Down For Air” platform embodies the island’s rugged beauty and adventurous spirit, offering a sense of escapism that aligns perfectly with Tasmania’s tourism identity.

Ryanair takes a different approach, using humor to embrace their no-frills reputation. They know their audience, and they lean into it with a tone that’s cheeky and relatable.

5. Sharp messaging: clarity cuts through

If your messaging is confusing or cluttered, you’ll lose your audience before you even have a chance to connect. Strong brands craft messages that are clear, compelling, and laser-focused on their audience’s needs.

Headspace keeps their messaging as simple as their product, delivering calm and clarity in everything they do. Their communication is a perfect reflection of the brand’s purpose: mindfulness without the fluff.

Similarly, Mailchimp turns complicated topics like email marketing into approachable, digestible content. By using humor and simplicity, they’ve made themselves the go-to for businesses navigating the complexities of B2B marketing.

Step toward market domination

As your business continues to grow, building a strong brand becomes more than just a marketing initiative—it’s a long-term strategy for success. A strong brand not only attracts customers but also instills pride within your team and draws top-tier talent.

If you're ready to take your brand to the next level, MarketingMayd offers a revolutionary approach to scaling your marketing efforts. When it comes time to appoint your first marketer, you divert that employee’s budget to us for 12 months. 

We’ll help you:

  • Build and execute a solid branding strategy that promotes short-term success and long-term brand equity

  • Boost your marketing effectiveness from the get-go making your money work harder for your brand

  • Avoid the financial burden and risk of hiring an in-house marketing team or high-cost traditional agency

  • Hire and train the right marketer to take your brand forward. 

Get in touch today.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Distinctive branding makes your brand memorable

  2. Consistency across all channels builds trust

  3. Creativity makes your brand stand out and get noticed

  4. Tone of voice connects you with your audience in an authentic way

  5. Sharp messaging ensures your value is understood, fast


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